Sunday, February 1, 2009

When it is better to have a small car...

Yeah yeah, I know some smart alec's going to say "Oh, but the Hummer would still be driveable after an impact like that!" That's no justification for burning a gallon of terrorism-sponsoring gasoline every 5 miles just driving to the office, school and soccer practice.

EV-wise, I've finished soldering the wires in the battery display, and finished the drawings for my Anderson cut-off switch. That will probably be my next post.

In the meantime, I still need about $1,000 for the motor, so please, please , please donate a few dollars?

1 comment:

Fredrik said...

Funny! I remember that Volvo used the same example in one of their early ads for the XC70. Lots of American Full-size SUVs & Trucks, and in the middle the small volvo. Guess who drove off after the big tree hit the cars...