Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Electronics arrived today!

Can you imagine how excited I am?

Today my parcel from ZEVA arrived containing more goodies than Santa on happy pills.

I now have my 400A 12v contactor, a 250A 160V Circuit Breaker, a 200V Voltmeter and a 1000A Ammeter.

Safety switch that can be tripped from inside the car to secure the main battery pack and prevent electrocution if we have a collision. At least there's no fuel to spill and ignite/inhale with an EV.

Voltmeter, Ammeter and the shunt to tell each of them how much power the motor is drawing, and how much is left in the batteries.

And the contactor: The ignition connects to the two little tabs on the shaft, and the main battery cable connects to the bolts on the right. When you turn the key in the ignition, the contactor snaps together and allows the current to flow to the motor controller.

So far I've hooked up the contactor to the test battery on my work bench and activated it - makes quite a reassuring THWACK sound which is good. I'll wire up a proper example circuit later in the week and upload another video.

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